Balancing Act

Let's Go for a Drive

Category: Briefings

General commentaries by Steve.

Quick Front Yard Update

About 7 months ago, I started working on fixing our front yard. The work stopped due to hot summer temperature lasting up until late October. I was able to resume the work early November. Here is the result: Compared to what the yard looked like back in mid-May 2019: I essentially applied what I learned working on the backyard to…

Back to the South Bay!

A lot of things has happened in the past two and a quarter years since we’ve relocated to the Inland Empire. Wife no longer commutes to Orange County to work. In fact, she stopped commuting since Fall of 2015. Her company set her up with a sweet home office set up, saving us tremendously on transportation fares. Despite my daily…

Thoughts on ALIEN: Covenant (mini review)

<nerdiocity> Minor spoiler on ALIEN: Covenant ahead. ALIEN: Covenant royally took a massive dookie on the whole Alien lore, mythos and mystique surrounding the Space Jockey and Xenomorphs we’ve grown to admire and that which have spawned over three decades of wonder, fantastical imagination, arts, creativity, fictions, comics and graphic novels from fans across the globe. I am not sure…

The Prepd Pack Lunchbox, Review and Unboxing

Updated April 11, 2017 – see end of article for new information added The Prepd Pack Journey This is an account of the journey of my first crowd funded project. Well, I was not exactly part of the original crowd funding campaigns on either Indiegogo or Kickstarter, but I’ve been eyeing and following the Prepd Lunchbox project since I first learned about it…